Well little boys out there in Spank Land it is time of year for your Manchester Mistress Double Domme activities, at our Dungeon in Manchester with Mistress Lady Cornelia and Mistress Teressa two of the best Mature pro-dommes for doubles you‘ll ever need to see. It may include, strap-on dildo penetration (pegging) smothering, spanking and tie and tease and lots more besides.
So you'll need to get a move on and focus on us at this dark miserable time of year, during our late night sessions with you during our midweek option, now won't you? One night a week we will be seeing you till late so let's just see if we'll allow you to honour us.
As our submissive you may possible need, "forced" feminization and being dressed up with makeup and to be sissified during the gloomy nights, as you may get S.A.D (seasonal affective denial) and you could need to scratch that itch by seeing two sexy Mature Double Dommes’ like us, two Mature Mistresses of your dreams in the Northwest, now wont you?
Dominant females like us need to spank and hoist you in the air and smack your little bottoms with belts and canes so that we can let the sun shine into you sad little lives, now come on and do as you're told wee boys and start phoning.
Here are our websites for more details and phone quickly as we are extremely busy Manchester Mistresses!
Hi all you sad little slaves, sluts and sissy boys, Happy New Year!
Hope you has a spanking bad time and you misbehaved yourselves lots during Christmas and New. Well all back to normal thank goodness, as being away from punishing you all is no where I want to be for 2 weeks. I like to be punishing and teasing all you bad boys regularly. So don't forget to phone, not just email or else I'll whip you good and hard.
Whatever you do, read my website details before calling me - www.mistressladycornelia.co.uk if I deem you suitable that is, as I am very busy and don't tolerate time wasters. I'll see you if you read my website details so don't phone expecting me to read you mind, you should know what you want and state it over the phone - 07563 058296
Here's a picture below for you!
A humbler is a BDSM physical restraint device used to restrict the movement of a submissive male participant in my BDSM scene. The humbler consists of a testicle cuff device that clamps around the base of your scrotum by me, mounted in the centre of a bar that passes behind the thighs at the base of the buttocks. This forces the wearer to keep his legs folded forward, as any attempt to straighten his legs even slightly pulls directly on the scrotum, causing considerable discomfort.
I'm a Mistress who WILL determine to sort out your scrotum! When and what will happen in the Manchester Dungeon, well lets see! It's not surprising that I will spend a fair amount of my time and energy in determining what I feel will be appropriate in what you need to be controlled bitches!
Ooh, and I can be a very sensual and demanding Mistress, but you know that don't you and for most of you sissy slaves and lovers of pain and humiliation I'm like just like the "Goldilocks Effect," in other words "just right." It looks nice and painful hey, lol!