The vacuum hoses have quick connect fittings to plug directly into the SeriousKit milker. An access port is also fitted to allow penis devices such as our SPTs to be used while maintaining an air tight seal. The suit is supplied with a removable air tight rubber penis bag fitted to the access port. The penis bag is made from supple moulded latex.
Once connected to the milker, and the valves opened - the milker starts to remove all air from the interior of the suit. The SeriousKit vacuum suit makes full use of the milker’s capability to evacuate both air and fluids allowing a unique sensation of full body wet suction. Fluids within the suit will be evacuated into the milker. An optional ‘fluid intercept’ kit can be used when connecting the suit to to the pulsation inlets on the milker - and ‘voila’ - it becomes a powerful pulsating vacuum suit!
Here's how it fully looks when you're stood up.
So give Me a call and we suggest that you book a Double Domme session for this as detailed on my twitter account.
An hour or 2, is best so take your pick blow your mind and phone in advanced to make an appt with Me with Miss Kitty.
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Phone Me - 07563 058296
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Phone Me - 07563 058296